The US Senate Passed a Bill Stopping Biden’s Vaccine Mandates

Vaccines / Maryland GovPics / Flickr / January 29, 2021 / CC BY 2.0 / 

The opposition against Biden’s vaccine mandates is growing stronger…

This triggered state lawmakers to work together and tell Biden to put an immediate halt to all mask mandates. Almost 200 of these powerful people from 30 states sent a letter to the demo-rat last November.

The lawmakers wrote, “We demand that Biden and the federal government leave people alone.”

Then they added, “We cannot and will not stand by while Americans are being forced to choose between a jab and a job. No one should be forced to take a COVID vaccine against their will. And no President has the power to require that American citizens undergo a medical procedure of his whim.”

This unified approach from the state lawmakers may also be one of the reasons why the US Senate passed a bill to overturn Biden’s vaccine mandates. They voted this December to block the demo-rat’s forceful mandates on private employers.

“The Yaes’ is 52. The ‘Naes’ is 48. The joint resolution is passed,” said the House representative in a hearing.

Former White House Covid Task Force Testing Czar, Dr. Brett Giroir shared his thoughts on the recent Senate vote.

He said, “I was very happy with it. I hoped it would have been a hundred to zero to vote down the mandates. But 52 to 48 is good luck.” 

Then he mentioned how the dems villainize people who don’t want to get the vaccines. Grior said, “The Democrats have tried to say that if you’re against a federal government mandate… particularly against one branch of the federal government mandate… you’re [part of this] anti-vaccine and anti-science villainization. That’s not true.”

Giroir believes that the government has no right to force the vaccines onto people. He added, “I am pro-vaccine. I bet every one of those senators is as well. But we are against federal government mandates. It’s not the position of the federal government.”

Finally, he applauded the court for approving the bill against Biden’s mandates. He said, “The court not only illustrated the law well… but they had great public health principles why they struck it down at least for the interim.”

The dems are obviously against the approved bill opposing their forceful mandates…

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said that they will veto the bill. She said,  “We’re hopeful that this doesn’t come to the President’s desk… But if it comes to his desk, he will veto it.”

Now, we’re seeing the liberals’ true colors. Even after the votes were finalized… They can’t accept a decision unless it’s on their terms…

Republican Congressman Fred Keller is not impressed with the dems’ response. He said, “I don’t welcome the veto. I think it’s a little disappointing. We have bipartisan support in the Senate. I’m working with my colleagues in the House. We have all the Republicans on it.. and I’ve had some very constructive conversations with some Democrats.”

Then he added, “The President is going to have to decide on whether or not he’s going to support the American people and have respect for them… or he’s gonna go out alone and rule over them.”

Despite our small win, the dems might still use their power to veto the bill… and make things happen on their terms. But that’s not going to scare our patriots. 

We’ll continue fighting this faulty administration until we get the freedom we deserve…

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2 Thoughts to “The US Senate Passed a Bill Stopping Biden’s Vaccine Mandates”

  1. A Seeker

    Nothing could cancelled Christsmas in Aemrica!


    Although what I don’t understand is all the fear that is being generated by those who truly are being used to steal, and kill, and destroy what We the people since our Declaration of Independence and our Bill of Rights, and our Rule of Law should be enforced by men and women who take a oath just like I did when I entered the army in 1969 and volunteered draft. What we see happening today is a two tier justice system. Million’s of us know that right now our nation is at a fork in the road. The one fork may lead us back to God and what really matters in politics at the local, state, and federal level. My question is do we really want to take the other fork where the more Power, Money, and Greed the less liberties we have, the more we are moving away from God, and what is so evident is toward almost one of these three taking place. Socialism, Markism, leading us into a Communist type of government. From within we are allowing this, is their not great corruption in agencies of our federal government, who by allowing no checks and balances, and actually allowing treasonous acts, or aiding and abetting our enemies to occur because power money and greed can corrupt a nation, to a point of destruction from within our own halls of congress, in our agencies who I used to have the deepest respect for like the FBI, and CIA, and NSA and our own Supreme Court. Today our State Department and those in leadership roles, in other agencies are following exactly almost to the T what I call a extension of the Obama Administration, and believe me when they want to allow CRT for the norm, and this is not new to me. When I went to college they were pushing their own views and opinion’s farther, and farther away from God, just like the issue of some of the hot button of issues were brought up one is laid at the feet of our supreme court now. You may be completly agains’t how I feel but every empire, country, and kingdom that took the fork away from GOD will reap what they have sowen, and We the people must have to know the signs which caused what I have wrote about some have become reality some are yet to come, unless we as a nation choose the right fork in the road.

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